So fun sister coon! Looks like a fun nerf war! haha love you and cant wait to see you this summer! work hard out there.
For my studies this week I have focused on the Resurrection and life after death. I think one of the greatest revelations in the restored gospel is the spirit world! That is one piece of the plan of salvation that all other christian religions completely miss!! DC 138 is an outstanding chapter from Joseph F Smith (Hyrum's son). The revelation was given on October 3, 1918.
Just to give you perspective- Oct 1918 was the DEADLIEST month in American history due to WW1 and the Spanish flu. Remember, WW1 ended Nov 1918 and had a total of 9 million deaths. At the same time, in 1918 there was a massive global pandemic called the Spanish flu. This pandemic killed over 5% of the world's population (50 million people died)! It was exponentially more devastating than COVID-19!! The total cumulative deaths for COVID-19 (who knows if this number is actually accurate) is 6.9M deaths. That is still a lot of people but that is NOWHERE close to how many died from just the Spanish flu.
Needless to say, I don't know if there could have been a better time to receive revelation on the Spirit World than in 1918!! What incredible timing the Lord has!
Not to mention Joseph F Smith was well acquainted with death... his father Hyrum died when he was 5, his mom died when he was 13, and he had 10 children die in infancy. So what an incredible blessing to learn that his children would have the blessing of the Spirit World!
I hope you get a chance to read this:
I loved sharing this perspective about life after death with my investigators. I hope it helps!
Love you,