Wednesday, April 6, 2022

Faith in Christ


This was another good week! Had lots of lessons with friends and were able to have members come to the majority of them so that's awesome!

We had our first lesson with this young mom named Leesa. She is so sweet! She has 2 boys and is engaged to a member so she's really interested in the church. We gave her her own Book of Mormon and during the lesson, her younger son wanted to hold it but she was very protective of it and didn't want to share it haha. After the closing prayer, she was like "Okay can you guys come every week?! And when is church?" So we gave her all the deetz and she came to church yesterday and was so happy to be there! The Lord has been preparing her for sure!

Update on Ruby: She struggles with a specific WOW issue and would do it all through out the day. But this week she only did it twice the ENTIRE WEEK! IMPROVEMENT! She had a baptismal date but we pushed it back to March 19th.Thank you for your prayers!

We also have been teaching this sweet lady named Sylvia. The first lesson we had, she slipped us a $20 and wouldn't let us give it back to her. It was so funny. And then this week she gave us a whole bunch of lunchables. She's so giving, especially with her situation! She lives at the ghetto apartments and has a bathroom and one other room where she has a little make shift kitchen, TV, tiny table, and then during the day, she puts the beds up on wall. Her daughter and their kids are living with her too. It's small and crowded but she shows so much gratitude. During the lessons, she gets her notepad out and is very engaged. I love Sylvia!

"Faith in Jesus Christ is the greatest power available to us in this life. All things are possible to them that believe." - President Nelson. What a promise! When we have faith in our Savior, things that seem impossible become achievable. Whatever trials we face, having that faith that God has a plan for us and is helping us along, will not only get us through but propel us forward.

I love it! Faith is powerful! What can you do to have more faith? For me this week, I want to focus on being bold with people we come across and not just saying "hi how are you doing?" And keep walking when they don't respond haha. 

I love you guys! Have a great week!

Love Sister Coon 

Keep these friends in your prayers please!
- Ruby!!
- David! He gets really sick easily so pray that he can get healthier to be able to come to church and be baptized on April 9th
- Leesa
- Sylvia
- Gary
We went to Rodigios with the Thiriots and Jo and it was so fun and yummy. I love them!!!
Daisy was fellowship at our lesson with Sylvia. And after the lesson, she was like "let's take a picture so I can send it to the relief society and let them know how fun that was!"

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