Monday, July 18, 2022

From James

Hey! Sorry it’s been a few weeks since I’ve been on the calls with you! I’m so happy you are doing great and proud of who you are becoming. Don’t slow down!

As I was reading my scriptures this morning I couldn’t help but think of how good of an example Samuel the Lamanite is for us. 

Helaman 13:2-5 we learn how Samuel was preaching to a hard hearted people and how they would cast him out for his testimony. That didn’t slow him down! I’ve written in my scriptures that Samuel “feared no men”. 

Fear is one of satans most useful tools. On a mission we have to learn to push past that fear. If I felt nervous about doing something or worried what others would think I would remind myself (speaking out loud) “I fear no man!” 

I hope you remember that next time you feel a bit of fear. What the Lord says, do! 

Love you so much. 


Ps baby is coming soon! Do you think she will look like me or Meg?

From Dad

Hello Annie Girl,

I love talking to you and feeling the passion you have for the Gospel of Jesus Christ. You have always been energetic and fun but now you have learned to direct that energetic love to move the message of Christ. I am so proud of who you have become and what you are doing. My eyes fill with heavy drops just thinking of you. I love you. 

Now that you rule the Pickleball tournaments, what's next? Way to keep those missionaries humble. I am able to see the pics you send, they always make me smile. "They are only kept from the truth because they know not where to find it." I know it is a thrill to share the truth and help others find it. The Elders reported back yesterday that they have visited the 5 or 6 neighbors we pointed out. I think it is now up to us to make the invitations. :-) 

Hannah did so well in her talk. A couple of members said they have seen and heard all of our kids talk and wanted to know how we taught them to speak so well. Mom and I just smiled and said they all came with the talent of confidence and testimony. We really have a unique and great family. 

Just a tiny little minute, only sixty seconds in it. Forced upon me, can't refuse it, didn't seek it, didn't choose it. Given an account, if I abuse it. Just a tiny little minute, but eternity is in it!

While serving, I sometimes felt the pressure of making every minute count while on the Lord's errand. This is true but I also know he loves us and expects us to enjoy the ride. This must be a small example of how Sis Thomsen and Megan Nucomb feel. I am sure you have been a great help to her. Way to be. 

I better get back to work. Remember, remember it is upon the Rock of our Redeemer that all things are possible. Remember, your Dad loves you so much. My Little Annie Girl will always be my little girl. 

I love you, 


Hello Annie Girl!

Do you remember?

"Remember, remember it is upon the rock of our Redeemer who is Christ the Son of God..." I was thinking of you on my way into work this morning and how much I love you. And, if I love you this  much, how much our Father and Savior must love you and I. The scriptures are filled with the command to "remember." 

Do you remember holding hands, kneeling for family prayer, getting a warm hug or laughing together because mom messed up her words? How about screaming with excitement as you got up for the first time on the surf or wake board. Skiing down an extreme mountain with me behind screaming, Your doing it Annie! How about wrinkling your little forehead and having tears well up because your feelings were hurt. What about driving my truck for the first time and going in reverse instead of drive! This probationary state great! We will stay close in this life and the life to come with the blessings of the Atonement. 

We had a fun time in Ca. I worked Wed, Thurs and until noon on Friday. Glo and Hannah had a good time with Mom at the beach and Knotts. The convention I attended was the NAA, National Apartment Association. The same convention I went to last September in Chicago. I walked and walked the convention floor looking at the different vendors selling their technology for apartment living. We also attended classes. Not real exciting stuff. 

Do  you feel you are getting to know the members and their strengths? What is the missions emphasis for the members working with the missionaries? Do you serve the members friends and invite the members to be there?

Grant rented the Tesla for Ca. and the 5 1/2 hour trip took them 7 1/2 hours. He wants to rent another when we are up in Ut. but Katie has had enough "Charging Anxiety" and doesn't want to sweat were the next charging station may or may not be. Very funny. James and Meg are there for the week and James wants to do more than sit on the beach for the week. 

Remember Annie, we pray for you throughout the day and as a family each night. Remember, each Temple, around the world, prays for you numerous times around the alter each day. Remember, millions of members and non members pray for you every day. Father in Heaven is petitioned over and over. He is bound when we do what he says. Remember, "The object of prayer is not to change the will of God but to secure for ourselves and for others blessings that God is already willing to grant but that are made conditional on our asking for them."

Remember, I love you and am so thankful your sweet little spirit was gifted to our home and family. You are a great gift and strength to all. Stay strong and immovable! You are one of the Noble and Great Ones.  

I hope your day is successful as you love and work with those that have been put in your path. 

Remember... I Love You forever and always,


Tuesday, July 5, 2022

God Bless the USA

HAPPY 4TH OF JULY EVERYONE!!! Hope you're doing great and have some fun plans to celebrate America tonight! This is the land of the free BECAUSE of the brave. I'm so grateful to be able to live in a country where we have the freedom to say, do, and worship how we want, an amazing blessing we can't take for granted. 

Okay, so many miracles this week but I want to share 2 of my favorites.

☆ first off, remember Charles from last week that Sister Thomsen and I pretty much chased down to talk to?? Well, after one week of learning the gospel, HE'S DECIDED TO GET BAPTIZED!!!! How happy is that?! The Elders told us that he knows this is all so true and that he said there is nothing that will stop him from being baptized. He even bore his testimony in church yesterday! Isn't that so incredible?!!! We love Charles!! God has been preparing him to accept the gospel for sure.

☆ Another cool story! We were driving to a lesson one evening and had stopped at a stop light. There were American flags lining the street which was so beautiful but I noticed off to the side that there was this one flag that was so slanted that the end of it was touching the ground. So as soon as the light turned green, I pulled into the gas station (Sister Thomsen got so confused haha) and jumped out of the car to go fix it. No American flag will be touching the ground on my watch!!! We've got to respect it!

As I was lifting it up, this man that was selling stuff on the street corner, came up and started talking with me. It was literally such a miracle. He ended up being interested in learning more about the gospel and Saturday we actually had another lesson with him. He is someone else who God has been preparing. He has so many questions and I know the gospel is going to bless his life so much! So pray for Roger.

It's incredible to see God working in mysterious ways. There was no way that we would've met Roger that day if it wasn't for the little thought to fix the flag. Honestly, I had no clue that that was a prompting which is typically how it goes for me. While on my mission, I've been able to learn that for the most part, I receive revelation just from thoughts that pop into my head that at first, I just think are my own. But as I trust that it's from God, I've been able to see them turn into miracles. I know it was all part of His plan for us to pull over at that moment, so that we could meet Roger. God is in the details. 

How important it is that we are focusing on receiving revelation! President Nelson has urged us to "do whatever it takes to increase your spiritual capacity to receive personal revelation." How is that going? Are you striving to hear Him more in your life? I know He wants to talk to you! You are important and have a special role to play!

xoxo sister coon

- our last dinner with "Doctor Lady Liberty Sister Peterson" before she moves to Utah:'( and the other sisters were able to join us!
- all of my comps in one picture!!! They're my FAVORITE! I'm so blessed
- there was a patriotic concert and it was amazing! I love America and that beautiful flag!!