Okay since I know now that that feeling is not foreign to you.. I’ll share a quick story. About 2-3 months into my mission I got in a deep slump bc I missed my family sooo much (aren’t we so blessed to have such amazing families??) and just worried about them for silly reasons. Satan knew my weakness and he played on them hard. One night a month or so after the “depressive time” of missing my fam started and after a couple blessings/MANY prayers,, I was praying repeatedly for my family one night.. at about 2 in the morning I said yet another prayer (worrying about something) and the loudest voice I have ever heard, not my own, just said to me “where is your faith?” Now, I’ve never had a prompting like that again or even since, but one thing was clear to me in that moment.. God was in control and I needed to trust Him. I soon fell asleep and then next morning I found myself thinking about that experience. I came across the story of Peter reaching to the savior on the water as he was sinking and felt a familiar feeling to what I imagine Peter felt in that moment. So, when the water around me felt so stormy, I had two choices! Keep sinking or just reach harder toward the savior. Obviously, this was just a trial i needed to draw closer to my Heavenly Father and Jesus and may not be totally accurate for how you feel some days, but the principle is the same. Pray pray pray and reach harder toward the savior.. serve your companion (my trainer always made my bed for me in the morning and at first i thought it was her chastising me for not making it quick enough but after a while i would just say “thank you” and she beamed with satisfaction.. she was just being kind.) be submissive, be obedient, etc. The lord will never leave you in the dark for long.:)
I’ll be honest, most of my mission I felt like 18 months would go by so slow and like you said it was daunting! But the days turn into weeks and the weeks into months and before you know it you’ll be forever changed and moving to another wonderful part of your life.
You have so much to offer Las Vegas sister Coon! If you need to cry, but all means cry. I sure did. (And still do today;)) But when your done, say a prayer for strength and get back to it. The Lord will provide for your weakness.
Love you so much! Have the very best week!
Ps. If your comp isn’t a morning person, that’s okay. Usually that just means she doesn’t want to talk/be energetic. (I was a little like that at first in the mission.. type 2s). Make her bed, make her breakfast, write her a short note/affirmation and leave it in her scriptures before studies.. maybe not every day but occasionally can go a long way:) just because she’s training you/your the “junior” comp does not mean she does not need YOU too.:)
Love you.
Hi cute sister Coon!!
It’s late-ish and I’m getting sleeppyy but I couldn’t let tonight pass without writing a short email to let you know I’ve thought of you bunches of times this week.
Knowing you, you are thriving and everything is fantastic but if part of you feels like 18 months will be long just know you aren’t alone. Days can be long but weeks are fast and filled with sooo much light and love as I’m sure you have already experienced.
Love and serve your companion, work hard, be obedient, and rely on the Lord and His spirit. You are 100% doing the best work and the best thing for your life at this time. :)
Im so proud of you and anxious to hear about all the deets of your week!!! Comp, area, mission president, etc. So many great things happening!
Love you so much!!
Your fam was in town to ski this weekend. Fun to have them! Also some tiny baby feet..:) I switched to the nicu this week and I’m getting trained there and there are some tiny tiny babies. Very fun!
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