Wednesday, September 21, 2022

Samoan Blood

FIRST OFF! EVERYONE! I have a new niece and she is the CUTEST thing!!! Ivy Kate Coon♡ so happy and so obsessed with her. it's been so fun to see my brother and sister in law become parents and fall in love with her. We love you, Ivy!

I hope everyone had a good week and is enjoying the weather cooling down a little bit! It's not hitting the 100°s anymore so we're very grateful🙌 we had so many miracles/funny stories this week that it's hard to write about all of them! Here are some of my favorites:

☆ Monday night, Sister Welch had her first real Samoan dinner at mama Tolu's house and it was a RIOT!! Those women were SO funny.

With the Samoan culture, during dinner there is a LOT of food and you're expected to take a serving of each dish and then have at least one more serving of another dish. And then they watch you as you eat to make sure you like it and are eating "enough." You come out VERY stuffed. So that whole day, Sister Welch and I were prepping to have to eat lots haha

We get there and dish up our plates with rice, chicken, fried fish and gravy, chop sewie, rolls, this banana with coconut cream stuff, and chopped up lettuce. It was a lot! But we all begin eating and Sister Welch decides she wants to impress these Samoan women so she ends up filling her first plate, then going back for seconds of almost everything, thirds of one dish, and fourths of something else. (I was so grateful because then all of the attention went on her and I could slide past without eating too much hah). Mama Tolu turns to her and goes, "Do you got a little bit of Samoan Blood in you? You sure are eating!" It was so funny and Sister Welch was so proud!

But as were walking to our car, Sister Welch turns to me and goes "I don't think I've ever eaten more food. I could throw up. But no regrets because I made Mama Tolu proud! That made my whole mission!" Hahaha love her and love those women!

☆ We met an amazing person named Thomas!
Wednesday, we had about 5 minutes left of our night till we had to go home so Sister Welch and I said a quick prayer and after, felt like we should go knock on this person's door who used to be taught by missionaries. So we drive 2 minutes over, walk up to this dark porch, and knocked. This guy opened the door and said the person we were looking for moved 6 months ago but that he would be interested!

That next morning, we met him at the church and had a lesson right on the grass. We taught the Restoration and at the end, gave him a Book of Mormon. He was so touched and got all teary eyed!! "Thank you. This is the nicest thing anyone has done for me." It was honestly a little surprising how sincere and grateful he was for this book. But it's interesting because people can feel a difference with the Book of Mormon. They know it's special. And it is! They truly are words from God and as we read, it will bless our life so much. I told him this was one of the best gifts we could give him. "Wow, thank you."

Then we met with him again on Saturday and gave him a chapel tour. Again, he was just so grateful. At the end we talked about baptism and he said he wasn't ready right now but would think about it!!! He also came to church on Sunday and really liked it. Later that day he texted and said, "The sacrament was beautiful and I've taken the oath. I want to partake next Sunday. "Cheerio" Sisters." 
WHAT?!! Isn't that awesome!! The Lord is good. So keep Thomas in your prayers and I'll keep you updated!

☆ We had a BOMB lesson with Leonard last night too! He sat down and right off the bat said, "okay I want to talk about baptism." It was SO cool!! The Lord really is preparing people to come unto Him.
So after teaching him about what the Holy Ghost is and feels like, we read in Alma 7:14-17. As we got to verse 15, we just stopped and didn't say anything. All of a sudden, Leonard looks up and goes, "woah, I think I just felt the Holy Spirit." Ahhhh it was so cool!!! We invited him to pray about a day to be baptized and he said "Yes I WILL pray about a day." I'm just blown away. So many amazing miracles and people ready for the gospel. So pray for Leonard too!

Alrighty that's a few of the fun stories from this week! I love you lots! I hope you're all doing well. Keep trusting in God! I know He's there for you and LOVES YOU. Talk to you next week!

xoxo sister coon

- we served at Salvation Army giving food to homeless people. A mariachi band played for everyone and there was one lady who was really getting into it. It was so fun and I loved to feel the love God had for all of these children!
- Ivy Kate Coon♡♡♡ isn't she perfect?
- in- n-out with the sisters after interviews with President!!! 
- dinner with Mama Tolu and her Samoan friends
- Yvonne and her grandkids fed us dinner and we were finally able to have a first lesson with her. She has so many questions that I know the gospel will answer. She came to church on Sunday and LOVED it. Said she'll definitely be coming back next week. I just love her so much and hope she'll keep meeting with us. Say lots of prayers for Yvonne!
- the weekly Seui grocery restock
- mutual with the youth!
- Sister Welch and I moved these HEFTY bookshelves out of our friends house💊

Wednesday, September 14, 2022


Hi friends!! I'm alive and thriving! Hope everyone's doing great! Have a wonderful week and remember that God loves you:)


- it started to rain during personal study so we took an intermission and ran around in it for a sec haha it was the best! We love the rain
- Momma Welch sent us some feet masks so we wore them during weekly planning... super slimy
- today's p-day activity: LOTS of pickle ball & Bahama Bucks with the district
☆ birthday celebrations ☆
- our "adopted family" threw me a birthday party! It was the sweetest! They set up a table filled with gifts, had cake and ice cream, and sang happy birthday. I felt very loved:)
- the sisters and I went to Subway and Bahama Bucks
- the district surprised me with ice cream cake!

Sister Coon

Tuesday, September 6, 2022

2 Nephi 29:6-8

Talofa friends!!

Hope everyone had another great week! Here's some great miracles from mine:

☆ In one day, we found 9 new people to teach, 9!!! For reference, the week before, we had only found 5 people who were willing to learn more about the gospel. And that was for the whole week! So 9 prepared people in ONE DAY was an absolute miracle!

While we were out finding all those people and talking to literally EVERYONE (i also battled a little boy with our car horns lol), we decided to knock on this person's door who had previously met with the missionaries. When the door opened, this nice lady with the CUTEST 3 year old daughter was there. She said she was of a different faith and wasn't interested but we still chatted for a minute. Her daughter was the friendliest little girl and was talking our ear off! It was so fun. She was telling us how we were princesses and how she loved our dresses. Her mom then said, "wow she usually is so shy with strangers! She must sense a good spirit about you." (Well of course, we're literally messengers from God;)

So once we finished talking, the mom said that her husband (who we were originally going to see) and mom would be home later that evening and might be interested in the message. So we set up a time to come back and went on our way.

A few hours later, we pull back up to their apartment and knock on their door. All of a sudden we hear, "they're here! They're here!" After what felt like forever, the grandma finally opens the door and just stands there for a second. We kindly introduce ourselves and then she goes, "I don't ever want you coming over here again! We don't talk to anyone who doesn't believe in the Bible! You believe in a **beep** Bible!!!!" And then slammed the door in our face.

In the words of Sister Thomsen, "tough crowd"ðŸĪ·‍♀️

Sister Welch and I turned around and just started giggling. Man, people are crazy! "I didn't even have time to tell her how much I LOVE the Bible!" And then Sister Welch continued saying, "that was a good experience! Let's do it again!" Haha love her and love that we can still have a positive attitude even when crazy ladies reject us. One day her heart will be soft and she'll be ready for the gospel!

☆ ADDY GOT BAPTIZED!!! 8/29/2022
Such a happy time. We love this girl so much!
A little summary of her story:
The first time we met Addy, she had walked up to us at church and said, "I want to start taking the lessons and get baptized!"
She has had a hard life being in the foster care system but recently moved in with her Grandma and her new family that attends church regularly. God's definitely been preparing her and she knew she wanted better for her future. After the first few lessons we had with her, she asked us what the deal with coffee was. We sat down, said a prayer and began teaching the Word of Wisdom. Halfway through the lesson, she took a big sigh, stood up, grabbed her half-drunk Dutch bros coffee, and threw it in the trash! Sister Welch and I just looked at each other shocked. We hadn't even committed her to living the Word of Wisdom yet!
She is so excited to be a missionary one day and has even gotten her friend to start taking the lessons. She is amazing!
This gospel truly blesses and changes people's lives for the better. It's amazing and she's amazing! Her family has also said that they've adopted us as their sisters. They're the best♡

☆ Bear (Jonah) got baptized!!! Not a convert baptism but we worked with this family a lot in the old Hidden Canyon ward (rip)

☆ I CAUGHT A PIGEON HAHA! Thanks to the #gunnellchallenge, I've been trying to catch a pigeon since my 3rd transfer and on Wednesday it finally happened! So funny. Just to add a little *spice* to the workðŸĪŠðŸ˜ŽðŸĪ

☆ finished my 5th transfer! It's been a good time and I'm ready to take on another one with Sister Welch!
(Also, if you see the little board down at the right corner, that's our "inspiration of the day". On that day, the scripture was 2 Nephi 9:34 tehehe. Go look it up ðŸ˜‰)

☆ just to show, not everything is sunshine and rainbows all the time, and that's okay!
Sister Welch and I got packages from home on Saturday (her mom even sent me one for my birthday!!! The sweetest!) and opening their little notes made us miss them so much! So we sat at our kitchen table crying and laughing that we're crying all through lunch haha. Families are such a blessing and we love ours so much!

Okay! There's a few great points from this missionaries week. Love you all and have a great week!

Tofa Soifua!!
Sister Coon

Sister Rudd

Hi Sister Coon,

Just wanted to tell you how much I have enjoyed hearing all about your mission adventures. You are doing amazing work and it makes my heart so happy. 

Your stories this week really touched my heart. I have been thinking and studying a lot about President Nelson’s quote “The Joy we feel has little to do with the circumstances of our lives and everything to do with the focus of our lives.” As I read about the experiences of Ave and Roger it again reminded me that as long as we are focused on the Savior, we can have joy no matter what our circumstance is. It is so wonderful that Ave and Roger have found that lasting joy the Jesus Christ offers. I will be praying for their baptisms and hope all goes well. 

I love you so much! Keep working hard and spreading the joy!

Shannon Rudd

Letter From Dad

Hello Annie Girl,

How goes the "Banner of Truth" and your hallowed hands? I do know that no unhallowed hand will stop the work from progressing! What miracles have you witnessed this week? 

We now have the miracle of air conditioning back in our home. It was a  challenging 12 days of living in our bedrooms. I am so grateful for AC! Although it is a very expensive birthday gift ðŸ˜‰

I have been reminiscing about my mission and what I did for my birthdays on the mission. For my 20th birthday, I had just been mid-monthed into a neighboring area. My previous comp didn't think it was necessary to stay together..., anyway, the Elders before had brought a kitten in and brought fleas into the apartment. I did not know this but I woke up with my legs red with flea bites. We had to bomb the apartment. We also convinced a nanny, she went home to Organ, to send me some b-day cookies. ðŸ˜€ We laughed and called them "Anna Cookies" It is amazing what you find funny as a missionary. Mom was the same age as Hannah and you are the same age as me at this time on my mission... Funny thoughts.

I was listening to Elder Oaks this morning. He quoted Pres Nelsen and said, "Salvation is a very personal gift, but Exaltation is a family gift. I believe that a person's progression is slowed or even stopped without an eternal comp. It is a wonderful gift to have prophets and apostles on the earth to give us the boost we need, not to get tossed with every wind of doctrine or worldly ideas. 

I hope you are doing exceptionally well today and every day. I know your companion, wards and friends are blessed with your strength of testimony and bright light. You are the best! 

I Love You Annie.

Keep the smile on,
