Wednesday, December 28, 2022

Merry Christmas 2022

Hello friends!!! 

Merry Christmas!! I hope it was wonderful for you all:) My one and only Christmas on the mission was so great and I am so grateful! It definitely is different being away from your family but it's worth it to be thinking of others and preaching this great gospel!

☆ Do you remember the miracle from last week when we found a couple moving in? Well they came to church with their two girls for the first time and they made sure not to forget their Book of Mormons! It was so cute. After the Christmas church service, so many people from the ward came up to them and welcomed them in. It was the best. Then that night, we had a lesson and the mom, Rayell, told us how she received an answer to her prayers during church and she felt so relieved. YAY MIRACLES!!! God is good! 

We've been teaching them about the Restoration these last few visits and mainly about how we have a prophet today. When we told them that, Rayell said, "well I need to learn more about this prophet! I didn't even know about it." So they are currently praying to know if Joseph Smith restored the church and if President Nelson is the current prophet. I know that they did/are and I am so excited for this family to gain their own testimony of that!

☆ We got so many gifts from people (mostly candy) so Christmas night we went to the Riverwood apartments to give them away. Without us even walking away from our truck yet, the kids saw us and yelled, "IT'S THE CHURCH GIRLS!!" and ran over to us. There were so many kids so we just started handing everything out. It was so much fun and they loved it!!! One of them gave me the tightest hug and it was just so sweet 🥺 As they left, one of the girls yelled, "Thank you Jesus girls!" Haha I love when they call us that.

☆ I've been studying charity this transfer and I ran across a sentence that I've really loved. It says, "strive to love as He loves, with unfailing compassion, patience, and mercy." I love that the word "unfailing" was used. Because Christ's is always there!! He  loves continually and as we strive to have that love, we can have greater compassion, patience, and mercy. It has been amazing to see that as I've prayed for charity, Heavenly Father has given me more opportunities to grow my heart even greater!! I didn't know I could LOVE this much!!! It's just so good!!! You're more than welcome to join me in this study:)

☆ one last thing, pray that Sister Mudrow and I stay together for at least another 6 weeks!! Transfers are coming up next week and we don't want it to end haha! i love her!!!

Thank you all!! I love you! Hope you have a wonderful week and I'll talk to you later!

xoxo sister coon

- We did a service project wrapping presents for kids! So fun!
- Rayell and her family at church!
- Christmas dinner with the Zitzmann's
- SISTER LONG!!! AHH I LOVE HER! As soon as we saw eachother at our mission's Christmas conference, we basically sprinted to eachother (we were outside) and gave eachother the biggest hug haha! I've missed her!
- our new car got replaced with a new truck! wahoo!!
- caroling with Sister Luer and Sister Wine
- donkey's everywhere in Oatman
- President and Sister Rodarte 🤍🤍🤍 I LOVE THEM!!! THEY ARE JUST THE BEST! I feel so blessed to have them as my leaders
- Sister Mudrow and I matched at the conference!
- smoothies on pday :)
- welcome :))
- Christmas Eve with the Barton's, Zitzmann's, Burgess's, and Voss's
- giving gifts in Riverwood (before the kids got there haha)
- this is what some of my area looks like- lots of dirt haha! It's so wonderful!

- companionship study in the back of the truck. enjoying this wonderful weather!
- we got matching beanies!

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