Wednesday, April 6, 2022

Leesa is Getting Baptized!!!


Happiest day of my life! This was our sixth lesson with her and we were teaching the Plan of Salvation. At the end of it, we asked her if she believed it's true and she was like "I know it's true!" My heart started beating so fast and I knew we needed to invite her to be baptized. I asked her if she wanted this for her life and she was like yes! So I said, "Will you follow the example of Jesus Christ by being baptized?" And she said yes!!! 

We were all SO happy and the spirit was so good! She comes home from her honeymoon May 7th so we set her date for May 11th. She is determined to be baptized and said nothing will stop her from this. She knows it's true. I love her so much! And we are helping her fiance who is a returning member with the priesthood so that he can baptize her!

After we left their house, Sister Stevenson and I ran to our car hootin and hollering. It was so fun. The whole night we were on a high. The scripture " great will be your joy if you should bring many souls unto me!" Is true! I feel so happy as a missionary and I love bringing people to the knowledge of the gospel. I know this is true!

We have been so busy this week and go from one lesson to the next. The best problem to have;)

But one of our lessons had fell through so we were going to do some work on our phone. I had the thought to walk around real quick and street contact instead. So we got out of the car but didn't say a prayer. We quickly paused on the sidewalk and said one. And as soon as we finished, we turned the corner and there were two people outside. They spoke Spanish so Sister Stevenson asked if they knew English. One guy said no but the other said yes and asked if we needed anything. We told him about what we do and he ended up being interested! We set up another time to come back this week.

Then we went down the next street and found another guy rolling a blunt in his car haha. We started talking to him and he ended up wanting to hear what we teach too!!

It was a miracle. God is really putting people in our path and it's amazing to be able to witness. I am so grateful I Iistened to that little prompting because I almost didn't! 

LIFE IS GOOD! I love it. Things are really great right now and I am thankful.

Love you all!! Hope you have a great week. Keep saying your prayers and reading your scriptures. And make sure to listen to your promptings!

xoxo Sister Coon

- LEESA! (Baptism May 11)
- David!! (Baptism April 9)
- Gary will have a desire to be baptized this week. He's seriously has been through 84% of the principles.
- Ruby will go to the Addiction Recovery class this week
- Tarah will also have a desire to be baptized
- all of our other friends
- a miracle!

 Exchanges with Sister Knarr and Sister Calderwood

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