Tuesday, November 1, 2022

Letter to Dad

Hello Dad!

Wow that's a lot of food! How fun that your company did a service project! That's a really good idea to get the employees serving. It definitely makes people more selfless and happy! I truly can't believe how many people nowadays are so selfish. We talk to so many people who just focus on themselves. It's so wild! I'm grateful we can serve and not spend that time thinking about ourselves. 

I love Enos. We share that chapter with people pretty often and it's so good! I really love how the Lord tells him it is through his faith that he has been forgiven. This week, the whole mission has been studying faith in Jesus Christ together. We have a mission improvement plan each month and it's been incredible to see how unified the mission has become because we are studying the same things. It's through our faith that we can accomplish miracles!

Grandpa is so funny! He sure is getting older. Poor guy haha.

I'm so happy you and Hannah are going on a date! That will be good. I say start with something active like the rollerblading rink- that would be really fun and memorable! and then go get a treat. I would love to do that!

Saturday I was talking to Sister Long about our vacations and how it's not a time to rest, we go on adventures! Like our mountain biking trip! And I was telling her how you don't like to just sit around. She goes, "you are definitely your fathers daughter." Haha what a compliment! I thought that was very funny because I am definitely always going. Thanks for training me well!

Me and you would have so much fun as companions! Wouldn't that be great. One night, Sister Long and I were walking around a neighborhood and there was no one outside. But someone was having a party with some fun music playing in their backyard. So Sister Long and I just started dancing in the street! It was so fun haha!

I love you, Dad. Can't wait to talk to you soon. You're the best! Thanks for all you do. I love getting your emails each week and hearing your testimony. 


Sister Coon

Hello Annie Girl,

How is my favorite missionary? It is one of the week's highlights when we talk every Monday. One day every quarter, our company donates a few hours of the work day to a charity. This morning we went to the food bank, much like the Feed My Starving Children, we packaged 12 - 900 Lbs boxes of food for shipping. It was a good time. It is fun to watch the change in people's character as they serve. They are generally happier.

I have been reading about Enos and how his soul "hungered" and he knelt in mighty prayer. He prayed and wrestled to receive a remission of his sins. I think he must have been a righteous man, to begin with, but he desired more... I don't want to be the one that has to be "compelled" to do what is right. Sometimes to be compelled must be the only way. I  pray I will receive the motivation line upon line without being compelled through ugly trials. 

I know you meet a lot of people that are going through tough and compelling trials. Like Elder Packer said, "If you think life is going well, just wait". Grandpa Coon is getting older and doesn't seem to walk more than 5 - 10 minutes without needing to sit. He says getting old is harder than raising 8 kids. ðŸ˜€

I have a date with Hannah next Wednesday night. Do you have any ideas for the date? She is doing great. She keeps us in the "T" or Tea, I still can't keep that straight. But we are kept up to date with her friends and their boy problems. 

Keep up the good work Sister Coon, my soul delights in what you are doing. I would sure like to be your comp for just a while. We would have such a great time sharing the message of hope and eternal life. 

The Gospel of Jesus Christ is true and He lives. We will also live again. This life is only a short probationary state, a time to prepare to meet God. 

I love you,


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