Tuesday, November 1, 2022

Letter to Mom

Hello Mama!

I love to hear your insights! You are such a good follower of Jesus Christ. The first point you shared actually reminded me of an experience I had with a member just a few weeks ago. We went over for dinner with this family who has gone inactive and one of the sons is 9 years old but hasn't been baptized. 

It was a nice dinner! The couple got married in 2020 and shared their really cheesy love story with us all while showing lots of affection haha. At the end of the dinner, the dad shared how he has CHOSEN to leave the church because of that idea of perfection and then all of the other anti excuses he has studied on. It just didn't feel right and was so sad to see because he knows this is true. He shared how he doesn't feel any purpose anymore. You can definitely tell how they're not being blessed as much because they're not living the gospel!

I am never going to do that. And I'm never going to marry someone who will either. That's not the life I want! I'm so grateful for you and dad's example! I love you guys! I want that for my life! Thank you for all you've done for me♡

I love you mom! This week was a good one! Can't wait to talk to you on Monday (today I guess haha)!

Sister Coon

ps I caught a grasshopper and Sister Long and I dressed up as each other for the trunk or treat!

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