Wednesday, December 28, 2022

More Miracles!!

Hello everyone!!! Merry Christmas! I hope you all had a wonderful week and were able to see God's hand in your life! I know He's there!

SO many miracles this week and really, not a lot of rejection! It was amazing!

☆ One night, we were out with a member going to lessons and talking to everybody outside. Right as we were about to get in our car to go home, these 2 ladies and a teenage girl come up to us. "Hey!!! Are you the missionaries or Jehovah Witnesses??" After talking to them a little bit, the mom said that she is a member and wants her daughter, Harley, to get baptized!! We had a lesson with her later that week and are having one tonight. She's so fun and I'm so excited for her!! Keep her in your prayers please!

☆ I had my first mission leadership council!! It was such a humbling experience to be surrounded by so many amazing missionaries. We discussed the needs of the mission and created a mission improvement plan for the month of December. I love my mission!

☆ a struggle from this week: we had 2 families wanting to come to church but they didn't have a ride. So we put SOOOO much effort to get them one and it was really difficult because we only have 2 active families in Laughlin and they didn't have enough seats. We ended up calling every single dot in Laughlin and no one was willing to give them a ride. It was disappointing! But then, with 15 minutes left of the night, we got a call from 2 members saying that they can bring our friends to church!!!! A MIRACLE!!!

So we called and texted our two friends, but no answer. So we drove to Riverwood and RAN to their apartment to let them know they have a ride. It was so fun!! Both of them were like, "did you just run here?" Hahah too funny!

BUT THEN, Sunday morning came around and both of our friends cancel. It was rough. But hopefully they'll come next week!! That Satan sure does work hard but he won't stop us haha. I know everything will work out! The Lord sees and will consecrate our efforts.

☆ One more miracle to mention: last night, we were led to this neighborhood and as soon as we got out of the car, there was a family standing outside their house. We talked to them and ended up teaching the whole Restoration. As Sister Mudrow was stating the First Vision the lady goes, "you are just glowing right now. I can see the love that you have for this. Seriously you're beaming." It was amazing.

I love this work! The Lord continues to amaze me everyday. I read this scripture in my studies this week and I love it. 

Mosiah 15: 28-30
"28 And now I say unto you that the time shall come that the salvation of the Lord shall be declared to every nation, kindred, tongue, and people.
   29 Yea, Lord, thy watchmen shall lift up their voice; with the voice together shall they sing; for they shall see eye to eye, when the Lord shall bring again Zion.
   30 Break forth into joy, sing together, ye waste places of Jerusalem; for the Lord hath comforted his people, he hath redeemed Jerusalem."

Break forth into joy! The Lord is preparing His people, especially this Christmas season. So let us have the faith to invite our friends to hear this great message! I know it will bless their lives so much.

I love you all!! Have a wonderful week!!


Sister Coon


- in our favorite apartment complex, Riverwood, where we find so many people! Also we were matching with our black and brown outfits haha
- mission leadership council!
- drusilla! The next Monday after her baptism, she went back to work and her boss came up to her multiple times and said, "there's something different about you... you are glowing!" So cool how people can physically see the change 🤍
- break during MLC (which was needed because we were there from 9am- 4:40pm)
- pday making fruit pizza + playing basketball!

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