Hello friends and family!! I'm back again writing another weekly and I can't believe it! It's so crazy how time works on the mission because I feel like I was just here a few days ago but also like it's been weeks haha. This week I hit my year mark since I've been on a mission! Can you believe that?! One whole year of doing the BEST work in the world! I've loved my mission and all the wonderful people and experiences I've had. It's all too good to be true! The joy we can experience from the gospel is real and it is eternal!! So so grateful for that.
☆ I had the coolest experience with the Atonement of Jesus Christ this week and wow. Oh my goodness. I know I feel it everyday but especially this week it just hit different.
It was definitely a harder week, SO GOOD but hard. Every single person we talked to, until Sunday night when we found 2 amazing people (!!), said that they weren't interested, many of our lessons cancelled, and I was just feeling a little stressed with some other missionary stuff. But don't worry! We weren't discouraged!!! God's got a plan and we saw many miracles!!!
But Wednesday morning, I came to my personal study feeling a little overwhelmed. I started reading Alma 37 and came to verse 46:
"O my son, do not let us be slothful because of the easiness of the way; for so was it with our fathers; for so was it prepared for them, that if they would look they might live; even so it is with us. The way is prepared, and if we will look we may live forever."
I thought about that phrase for a minute "easiness of the way." Living the gospel really isn't that easy. We should read the scriptures everyday, pray, go to church and the temple, keep the commandments, etc. It takes effort and work! So what does Alma mean when he says it's easy? I read the footnote Matthew 11:30 "For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light."
THAT'S what it means!!! Living the gospel doesn't mean you get a free pass from trials. Life is hard but with Christ, we can do all things. He is our strength. And then it all connected. I could give this weight I was feeling all to Christ and He will take it for me. As soon as I connected that, this burden that I was feeling was totally lifted off my shoulders. I experienced the Atonement of Christ right then and it was AMAZING!
I'm so grateful for my Savior and for the opportunity I had to apply that into my life.
That's all I have time to write about today, sorry! There were so many great experiences that happened this week but I really wanted to share that one. I know the Atonement is for everyone and if you're feeling a little stressed too, just give it all to God! He will take care of it.
Love you all! Have a wonderful week!!
xoxo sister coon
- Kaylon got baptized! As soon as he came out of the water, he raised his hands high in the air and cheered! It was the cutest thing ever
- exchanges with Sister Long
- smoothies
- Kaylon passed his baptismal interview!
- comp study in the truck bed
- baptism on his birthday!
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