Tuesday, January 24, 2023

Zone Conference Agenda Idea

Elderes y Hermana,

This is what we've got to send to President and Sister Rodarte, let us know what you think and if there need to be any changes!

Hey President and Sister Rodarte!

Here are the ideas we came up with for Zone Conference to best help our stewardship.

We came up with 3 main ideas, multiple role plays focused on using the Book of Mormon, a Preach My Gospel Chapter 5 training, and a discussion on conversion sharing our own personal experiences.

The way we were thinking this would be formatted is:

Doctrinal Discussion: Lead by President and Sister Rodarte

Training on PMG Chapter 5: Lead by President and Sister Rodarte
- Role Play using the Book of Mormon to Find Someone, lead by Sister Mudrow
- Role Play using the Book of Mormon to invite someone to be Baptized, lead by Elder Graham

Training on Member Work (PMG Pg. 166 - Ideas for Helping Members): Lead by President and Sister Rodarte
- Role Play using the Book of Mormon to help members and invite them to participate in Missionary Work.

Zone Breakout
- Discussion on conversion with a focus on sharing our own personal experiences with conversion and the Book of Mormon. Then, encouraging everyone to go out and share it with others.
- Making goals and plans for every area to baptize! We will counsel together and review January and set goals and plans for February.

We believe that these things will be the most effective in helping the missionaries in our Zones become more converted to the Lord and will put a much greater emphasis on the Book of Mormon being the KEY to conversion.

Elder Lybbert, Elder Radford, Elder Hardman, Elder Marshall, and Sister Coon

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