Wednesday, June 21, 2023

Letter from Meg

Hi cute Annie!

Well, over the last week I have had multiple impressions to pull out my mission journals and read what I wrote in the last couple days before I came home. And to share with you! Finally tonight I had the impression again and I’m not ignoring! Honestly, it could have been for me alone and not bc you needed anything but if that was it I’m glad I did it. I’m in tears! I had totally forgotten my last couple days as a missionary and as I was reading all the memories and the emotions flooded back. 

On October 2, 2017, (I got home 10/4/17) my companion and I went out to knock a few more doors after literally everything we had fallen through that night. It was dark, and we were walking down the street, trying to follow the spirit to make use of the literal minutes I had left as a full-time missionary.. Probably like you I just wanted to make a difference to the very end. I remember coming up on a house and feeling so drawn to it. There was a single light above the door and only the screen was closed, two people sitting at the kitchen table that we smiled at as we knocked. A middle aged man, Johnny, opened the door and his probably 25 year old daughter, Joe-Hanna, was sitting behind him—covered in tattoos and piercings and void of light in her eyes (I’m sure you can think of MANY people you’ve met like that). We told Johnny who we were and he just stared at us, shocked. He mentioned that they were sitting at the table saying that she needed to find God, that her problems were bigger than a counselor and her dad and anyone else. She needed something more, something divine. And then, we walked up. In the second he finished saying that we knocked. We sat and chatted about the plan of salvation, the love of our Heavenly Father for her, and the willingness of our Savior to Atone for our shortcomings and mistakes. Some of her light returned and I could see a glimmer of hope. With Johnnys permission, we knelt and prayed and I got to pray one more prayer in a random person’s home in New York. I remember now how special that felt as I just read my journal entry! So cool in that moment and especially now to look back on. 

That was 5.5 years ago now and it shocks me that something that seems soo significant to me as I read it now, I had totally forgotten. I have no idea if Joe-Hanna found God, repented and changed, joined the church, or even thought about God ever again after that night.

However, what I do know is I did my part. We followed the spirit, we knocked the door, we taught with power, and we invited her to change. I met hundreds of Joe-Hanna’s and johnnys in New York: people I swore I would never forget, but now who just feel like a part of the past. 

But are they actually just a part of my past? Some other version of me that I don’t know? Im now realizing, no way! As I read that journal entry, I realized so fast that those people and experiences all live in my heart. They are soo close me still — I and my testimony are forever changed because of them. And when I read or think about that time in New York I feel the same emotions and love that I felt while there.. Heavenly Father may have given us limited room for memories but He gave us such an incredible ability to feel and to remember feelings even if we don’t remember the details around the feeling. That’s something that i know you have a great talent for! 

Like me, I KNOW you have met many Joe-Hanna’s and Johnnys in your mission. People that you have changed by one interaction and who you loved fast and will forever be connected to because of your Christlike service but that you may not even remember in a few years. They will stay in Nevada and keep living their lives and you will come back home and live your life but neither of you will ever be the same because during your interactions you’ve both come closer to the Savior. And once you know Him you can’t be the same! And you will go back and visit, or read your journals, or talk to a companion or mission president, or pray, or anything that revisits your mission and i feel pretty certain that you will feel what I feel now: gratitude and love for who you are now because of your experiences. They changed you and you will never be the same. In the very best way.:) you will leave them there but they will be with you like mine are with me. 

One last thing. In my last district meeting, the DL had me read a scripture and it was a meeting I’ve never forgotten. 3 Nephi 5:24–I want you to read it sometime before you come home and just let it sink in. That is YOU, Annie. A true disciple. 

I am so proud of you and who you are and ALL the good things you’ve done in Nevada. You are amazing and seriously an inspiring missionary.. and that’s from afar! I can’t imagine what you are like up close!! 

You have great things ahead and many more Joe-Hanna’s to meet. I’m so excited to be your cheerleader and friend along the way! 

Love you so much Annie. See you in a few days!! 🫶🏼


Letter from Dad

Hello Annie Girl, Sister Coon, Valiant One, Beautiful Girl,

I have been contemplating what I would write for this monumental occasion... The day when you would complete, not your earthly mission (thank heavens) but for your Las Vegas mission. I am so excited to wrap my arms around you and to be with you again. I want to feel and hear the experiences you have enjoyed. I want to witness the person the Lord has shaped. 

I know, in a very small way, this is what it will be like when each of us pass through the veil. We will be greeted by family members that have been preparing for our arrival. Mom has been organizing, preparing your food, room, car, even your clothes. We are very excited, to say the least. 

I love the words of the Apostle Paul; "I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith!" I feel the buttons on my shirt could burst knowing that you have experienced this kind of mission. I know you worked hard, played hard and experienced your faith increase through The Gospel of Jesus Christ and the love of the Savior. This is one of the greatest blessings a parent can experience. This Fathers Day is a tender one. I love you Annie. I get all soft inside knowing you are just a day + away. What a fun reunion we will have. 

The next transfer will be an eventful one. So many life events to take on. You are going to love it. You will take it on just as you have this 18 month mission. As you continue to exercise the habits you have created, they will bless you through the rest of this life and the life to come. 

We had a very good Fathers Day. Dinner at Jennys with the Dayleys, then dinner at Rons with the Coon Family. We celebrated both Fathers Day and Rob's birthday. Food was good and the company was fun. It will be so fun when you are able to hold Ben, Wayne and Ivy. Such precious little babies. 

I love you Annie and like your Heavenly Father, this earthly Father is so pleased with the faithfull and valiant daughter you are. 

We will see you early Tuesday morning! Enjoy these next few days, they will not be forgotten. 


Sunday, June 18, 2023

My Plan


Yay for Missionary Work

Friends! Family! I love you!!

Happy Monday!! Life is so good! Hope you had a wonderful week! Here's your weekly reminder that God is real and is so involved in our lives :) ♡

☆ We got a referral from the elders of a guy named Kyle! We had an amazing lesson with him and introduced him to about 10 members from the ward. It's was perfect and they did so good at welcoming him in. We always appreciate that so much. After teaching the Restoration, we invited him to be baptized and he said, "Yeah!!! I want to join!" So he was set on date for June 25th!! Unfortunately, he slept through church because he works the night shift so we'll have to push his date back. But he is elect and I'm so excited for him!

☆ We also got another referral of a guy named, Julian. He showed up to church yesterday and loved it! He said he had a really bad addiction starting at 14 years old and never believed in God until about 2 years ago. He's now been clean for 2 years and knows that it wasn't a coincidence that he was there today. We're going to start teaching him so please keep him in your prayers!

☆ We also had a lesson yesterday with a member in our ward who's been going through a rough time. He came home from his mission early and has been facing doubts on whether the gospel is true, if he's ever felt the spirit, and if God is even real. My heart just goes out for him. The spirit was so strong in the lesson and he was able to receive a priesthood blessing. I know that God is real. This is His church and God has a plan.

If any of you are struggling with things similar to our member friend, keep going, study the Book of Mormon daily, partake of the sacrament weekly, go to the temple, and read your patriarchal blessing. Don't give up. I know he's there for you.

Love you all! Sunday, June 25th, at 12pm I will be giving my homecoming talk. If you can come, I'd love to see you!! 2233 S Wade Dr, Gilbert, AZ 85295. This is my last week and I can't believe it! About to give 110% until the very end!

Lots of love,

Sister Coon

Sister Klvacek and I hit our 17 months. Crazy!!!Lorenzo got his baptism certificate!
Lunch with our neighbor, Emil
Pday hike
Luis, a recent convert

I Love You Sister Coon

We had a returned missionary sister talk in church today.  She was saying how difficult it was coming home. How you feel lost, and unproductive, and misplaced for sometime. I am praying this week you will have a blessed and beautiful last week on your mission. That your transition will come naturally, and you will adjust to life at home. I know it will be a huge change for you, but I know you will be able to look back at your mission with the best memories and so much love for the Savior and all those people in your life the last 18 months. I can hardly believe it is just 1 week away. For me, I am counting the days until my Annie girl is home. Being your mother and being a part of your mission has been a complete joy and blessing to me. You have been a light that Heavenly Father has used to share His love with all those you have taught and served!

I am excited to see your life unfold as you move forward in faith,  great things are in store for you! So much happiness and blessing await you. I understand if we don't hear from you tomorrow. I will be working this week to make our home and family ready for your return. I love you and am so happy with the growth in your testimony and your love and knowledge of the Savior. 

I also know this is the truth, the Gospel of Jesus Christ is the only way back to our Heavenly Father. We are here on earth for a short time to get a body and learn from experiences and to make covenants that will lead us back home to our Heavenly Father. I know President Nelson is our Prophet today and he holds all the priesthood keys to lead us. I often think of the weight President Nelson must feel to be the prophet of the whole world. I feel humbled and blessed to be a part of the gospel of Jesus Christ. To have a testimony of our Savior and His atonement which makes it possible for us to repent and become clean. The Temple is such a blessing! We are blessed to have the Gilbert Temple so close. I know the covenants we make in the Temple are necessary for our eternal progression. I love my family with everything I am and feel so blessed to have made covenants that will bind us to the Savior forever.  Heavenly Father has a plan for all His children - Jesus Christ is always the answer!  We must always seek Him, in all that we do.

Love ya,


ps. Everyone is coming to dinner. We are having  a chicken and veggie stir fry. I am excited to have all my children home. It's been a long time.  


Hey everyone!!

This week's just pictures! Enjoy:))

- temple trip!
- Kamrynn's first time ♡
- Haylee got baptized!
- favorite sisters!!
- we found a tortoise
- pday!
- lesson with Jhervon
- more baptism pictures:)
- Zone conference 
- the dinosaur house lol

When You Come Home -Grandma Dayley

Annie/Sister Coon,


I know you will be busy with vacations, etc. when you come home. 


Friday night we had dinner with Bob and Margie.  Bob is 91 years old and Margie is 84.  Bob said to us “I am reading your book.”  Grant replied, “My book?”  and Bob brought out the Book of Mormon that he has started to read.  If, when you get home, can I invite you to come to dinner when Bob and Margie are here and you tell them about your mission.  They ask often how you are doing.  Maybe they will bring up the fact that they are reading the Book of Mormon.  I just remember when you talked at your mission farewell how strong the spirit was in the chapel.


We are looking forward to seeing you.


We love you and pray for you.


Monday, June 5, 2023

Letter from Grandma Dayley

Dear Annie/Sister Coon,


I just wanted to add one more thought to my earlier message.  I want to thank you for going on this mission and serving Heavenly Father and Jesus.  I was thinking today about how grateful I am for the missionaries who taught Dad.  Their sacrifice has been such a blessing in my and my family’s life.  You don’t realize how far reaching what you are doing will be.  Dad and Mom took our family to be sealed in the temple.  I am the oldest of seven children and we have all be sealed to our spouses.  Most of Dad and Mom’s grandsons have fulfilled missions and now many of their great grandchildren has also served.  All of this because of the sacrifice of two missionaries who taught Dad.  Thank you for your service.


After the Memorial Day program at the cemetery, Grandpa and I took the family to Freddies for lunch.  Next year you will be able to come to Freddies with us.


We love you and pray for you.

Grandma and Grandpa