Tuesday, August 30, 2022


Talofa everyone!

Transfers are here and guess who is training!? Tomorrow I get a new little greeny and I'm so excited for her to come🎉 

I'm also so sad because Sister Thomsen is leaving:( these last 6 weeks have been the best and I love her guts!!! She's definitely going to be missed by me and our wards. But I know she's going to be great in her new area and bless so many people's lives! They need her loving personality♡


- got to go back to the trio life with Sister May for a minute this week
- double rainbow!
- Sister White and Jonah (bear). They're THE best people and she has the most amazing testimony
- sister tousley with her fun glasses
- ROGER! My favorite human being, seriously. He just got back from Arizona this week and we we're able to have a BOMB lesson with him. He started off by saying "so about baptism..." God's preparing him and he's going to be baptized so soon. Keep praying for him!
- Nancy came to church!!!! She is the sweetest old women and when she sat down in the pew, she turned to me and said, "this feels like home." She absolutely loved it.
- we went to the funnest Relief Society activity with the Samoan ward on Friday. And OH MY those ladies were getting DOWN to the cupid shuffle and the wobble. It was a party haha. And mama tolu was driving around on her little wheelchair videoing everyone. So funny

Tofa Soifua!!
Sister Coon :)


Talofa everyone!

Transfers are here and Sister Welch and I are staying in this area another 6 weeks!! I'm so grateful, happy, and excited! I love this area and my companionðŸĨ° I've got lots of things to say this week so hold on haha

☆ Roger and Ave were baptized on Saturday!!! Both baptismal services were so good!

We had a lot of less actives that we're trying to bring back participate in Roger's baptismal service and they did a fantastic job. The spirit is always so nice during the baptisms. After Roger was baptized, he was able to bear his testimony and it was amazing! His change has been incredible to see. He shared how clean he felt. That he never wants to quit and that he's so grateful to have such a big family now.

I wanted to give a little recap of his story. On June 28th, Sister Thomsen and I were driving to a lesson. It was 4th of July weekend so there were American flags lining the street (so beautiful!) We were at one stop light when I noticed one of the flags touching the ground. So I decided to pull into a gas station to fix it. As I was climbing up this little hill, Roger was on the street corner selling his art that he made out of soda cans! He came up and helped me fix the flag and we got talking. It was crazy because I didn't even know he was there! God just placed him into my path. He definitely had a very interesting perspective about religious things but he was down to have us come to his house for a lesson! We got his address and set up to come that next week. 

The first two lesson went pretty well but during it we kind of got some weird vibes. The next week, our fellowship fell through so we just left a note on his door saying we're sorry we missed him and gave him our number. Again, God's timing is amazing!! That was so meant to happen. Instead of meeting with us, he was able to have some one on one time with the Book of Mormon. And when we came back, it was no longer a strange obsession with us but he had been converted to the gospel! 

After that, he progressed so fast and only missed one Sunday (because he thought he had a ride but no one ended up showing up). That's the power of the Book of Mormon! God truly had been preparing him for the gospel and know he is just THRIVING!

☆ Ave has an amazing story as well. She came to visit her Auntie for the summer and it was only supposed to be a 3 month trip. That second Sunday that she was here, they went to church and she knew this was something special. She said, "her spirit was yearning for a connection with God." And when she went, she could feel that power.

So she started taking lessons (mainly to please her Auntie) but ended up really gaining a desire to learn more. 8 weeks later and a lot more converting experiences, and she was baptized!

But MY OH MY, this last week leading up to her baptism, the devil was working SO hard on Ave. The most I've ever really seen! She ended up going to the ER and had lots of different doubts flood her mind. It was HARD! But she stayed strong and rely found comfort and strength through prayer.

☆ At her baptism, while she was getting back into her clothes, Sister Welch and I taught the Restoration and it went great! As I was reciting the First Vision, the spirit hit me hard and I got all choked up, which was the first time that's ever happened! I know Joseph Smith is a prophet called of God! He really did see God the Father and Jesus Christ. I know it!

☆ Ave's SO funny!!! I LOVE HER. We were talking to her after the baptism and she said, "wow that was real! Like I thought it would feel like going into water at a pool but that was POWER!" The Priesthood is real!

☆ Another thing that happened this week that that just reminded me of, our friend, Eddie, got a Priesthood blessing. After it, he just sat there for a second and then said, "I could feel that throughout my whole body." It was amazing.

☆ Last story. One day this week, Sister Welch and I were sitting in our car responding to texts real fast when this guy came walking around the corner. We nicely waved at him and he kept walking. All of a sudden, he walks behind our car and stood right next to Sister Welch's window! It was creepy!! She quickly made sure we locked the car and then he went to the back seat and TRIED TO CLIMB IN! It was weird!! He went back to our window and just stood there. Uhhh creepy. So we cracked the window a little bit and asked if we could help him. After a few seconds of silence, he says, "oh. I was just looking for my friend." And then walked away. Grateful the Lord protected us🙌

Alrighty! That's a few amazing experiences from this week! It's so cool to be surrounded by so many spiritual moments. I'm very grateful. And now Addy's baptism is going to be in 30 minutes! So get ready for some more good pics next week! This work is great!!! Don't forget GOD LOVES YOUðŸĪðŸĪðŸĪ

Tofa Soifua!!
Sister Coon :)

P.S. if you emailed me last week, thank you so much!!! I really appreciate it and you'll get an email next week! Sorry, ran out of time today:)


- Roger's baptism!!! 8/27/2022

- Ave's baptism!!! 8/27/2022
- visiting our sweet lady, Augustine! visiting our sweet lady, Augustine! 
This was the first time we met her and honestly was a miracle. She was baptized a few years ago but her health has been pretty bad lately so she hasn't been able to come to church. We've tried to have a lesson with her before but when we came, she wasn't home.

So finally, Friday night we were able to meet her! Originally, we had something else planned but that had fallen through. So with 30 minutes left of the night, we decided to say a prayer and ask God where we should go. Augustine's name popped into my mind so we drove over there!

As we were about to get out of the car, Augustine, her daughter, and 2 grandkids pulled into her driveway. She got out of the car and yelled, "I've missed you two!" and then gave us the biggest hug. We were both a little taken off guard but went with it and told her we've missed her too haha! Right after, she welcomed us into her home to have a "Bible Study." She was so sweet and now we're working on getting her to the temple!

- Gary, from my last area, came to visit me at church!
- after District Council lunch with the sisters
- the Mighty North District ðŸ’Š (plus a few others)
- Benadryl sleep hits different
- cute little puppies

Tuesday, August 23, 2022

People are Amazing!

Hello! Hello! Hello!

Welcome back to the rundown with Sister Coon. Hope everyone's week was great!! This coming week is the last week of the transfer and I can't believe it!! This transfer has been so good and has gone by so fast! Sister Welch and I are working hard and having fun while we're at it. The only way to live life;) But I hope everyone is doing good!

Here's 2 incredible stories from this week:

☆ AVE! SO PROUD OF THIS GIRL! This week she was in Washington visiting her family (who are not very good influences) and it was hard but she was not moved. There was one night when all of the cousins were together hanging out drinking. One of them turned to her and offered her some alcohol and said "don't worry, I won't tell anyone. God can forgive you later." And she simply said nah I'm good. 

SHE'S AMAZING! "I wasn't even tempted. I know that I want better for my life." Her testimony is so strong and I'm just so grateful for her example. Can't wait for her baptism this weekend!!

☆ ROGER!! He's really gained his testimony of the Gospel of Jesus Christ (not just an obsession with me😎
One night, Satan was really giving Roger a hard time about his baptism. He was putting a lot of doubts in his mind and he didn't know if he should keep meeting with us. So Roger decided to pray (so proud!). He began writing on a piece of paper all his thoughts; how he didn't want to disappoint Sister Coon (haha) or God and that he wants to become a better man. As soon as he wrote down "become a better man" the song, "Better Man" came on the radio. Immediately Roger stopped and was blown away. That was his sign! And he decided right then that he was going to "erase Satan from his mind." HOW COOL IS THAT?!

The next day we met with him and he was telling us this whole experience. He said, "this stuff is real. I know it!" and everyone in the room got chills.

This stuff is real.

The gospel changes lives. God placed Roger in our path 8 weeks ago when Roger was at the lowest of lows. He said he was scared for his life and didn't have anything to look forward to. Since that day, the light of Christ has grown SO much in him and he has found true joy. Now, Roger is working on getting a job, he's free from addictions, he's got his drivers license back, and everything is looking up. It's incredible to see how the Atonement of Jesus Christ can really change people's lives. Incredible!

I hope you know God is aware of you and he loves you so much. He has a plan for you! Keep trusting in Him!

Okay love you all so much!!!! Ave, Roger, and Addy's baptisms are all this Saturday so please pray that everything runs smoothly. It's going to be a good week! Talk to you all next Monday!

xoxo sister coon 

- zoom with Ave and auntie while Ave's out of town
- mutual night with the young women planting tomato seeds
- Tropical Breeze Relief Society are a party!
- being "seminary teachers" for the Relief Society's back to school activity
- the Seui's restocking our pantry part 2
- "grandma Nancy" came to church!
- weekly planning! (Sister Welch's favorite day)
- everyone pullin up to District Council with Sister Welch's family owned fruit snacks;)
- we sang in church!

Tuesday, August 16, 2022

Short One This Week!

Hi friends!! Life is still good and I love being a missionary!!! 

One of the many highlights from the week: We were able to set our friend, Stephanie, on date for baptism so that's so exciting! We followed up with praying about a date and immediately she said, September 24th. It was so cool. Keep her in your prayers!

Love you all!!!

Sister Coon


- I saw Tahera from my old area! She said she's been praying to be able to see me again and God made it happen! #miracles

- Lauquaua (someone we had one phone call with last transfer and set her on date but then had to refer to the West mission). She wanted to meet me so she came to our ward!! It was so fun to actually see her in person and hear all about her baptism
- "future missionary"
- zone conference!!!
- after LOTS of trials with the auto shop, WE FINALLY HAVE OUR CAR BACK!! Now we can actually visit our Samoan ward since they've been a little neglected these last 3 weeks

Tuesday, August 9, 2022

2 Great Commandments

Hi friends! How are you all?

This week was another week filled with miracles. We've really been able to experience God's timing and it's amazing. He is incredible.

☆ On Friday, we knocked on a member door who's been struggling but they didn't answer. So we decided to go a few houses down to another member and they let us in. We had a quick little lesson with them and at the end, the mom started to cry. "Thank you for coming over. I really needed this." She has 3 young kids and her husband has been working nights and sleeping in the day so it's been really hard on her. In fact, in 4 1/2 minutes he was actually going to go to sleep! So it was the exact time that we needed to be there. Isn't that crazy?!! We caught them at the perfect time and the spirit was able to touch her heart. I was blown away!

THEN, we walked back to the first house and the family that we knocked on was outside! So we were able to talk to them and share what they needed to hear as well. It was so great. Another testimony builder that God is aware of all of us. His timing is perfect!

☆ A little update of all our friends: (please pray for them🙏)
- Matthew and Ariel are baptized!
- American flag Roger and Ave are still preparing for their baptisms and so excited!
- our friend, Addy who is staying with some ward members, came up to us last Sunday and asked to start taking the lessons. She went to Matthew and Ariel's baptism and after said, "one day I want to do that." So we were able to have a great lesson with her the next day and set her on date for August 27th! She's so excited!
- Eddie is no longer on date because he has one little concern. But we know that as he continues to do his spiritual CPR (church, pray, read) he'll come to know that this gospel is true and have that desire. We still love him though! He's awesome
- Stephanie's dad is back from Africa so she's praying about a baptism date. She told us last time how excited she is to go on a mission. She's so cute!

So those are just a few of our favorite friends! I feel so grateful to know and learn from so many amazing people. God is good and this work is moving fast! And as for myself, I'm still lovin it;)

☆ Here's a thought I've really loved this week!! Christ has given us two great commandments, right?

“Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind."

“And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself.”
Matthew 22:37, 39

Lots of times, we seem to be worried that if we share our testimonies and the gospel with our friends, that we might somehow ruin the relationship or make them feel weird so we shy away from even saying anything. I know I've definitely felt like that before. 

But the first commandment is to love God. That's the priority! So, if we're truly striving to do that, we can have the courage that whoever God has put in our path is for a reason and that we can can share the gospel with them. Share that light that you have! This gospel is true and for everyone. 

It's greatest gift you could ever give someone. We're talking about eternal life! About true joy! So don't be afraid to open your mouth and let people know what really matters. That's how we can show we love God and our neighbor.

D&C 100:5- 6 "Therefore, verily I say unto you, lift up your voices unto this people; speak the thoughts that I shall put into your hearts, and you shall not be confounded before men;
 For it shall be given you in the very hour, yea, in the very moment, what ye shall say."

Keep God in the center and everything else will work out:) so my little missionary invitation for you this week is to pray for experiences where you can share a small testimony with someone. And then when God does give you that opportunity, do it! I know by doing that, your testimony will be strengthened. So will you do that?

Haha okay that's all for this week! Sorry it was kinda a fatty but God is good! Love you all!

xoxo sister coon

lots of pictures today!
- my Samoan name tag finally came in!!
- adventures on bikes at 9pm in Vegas... gets a little crazy ðŸĪŠ
- exchanges with hermana jacob and hermana fletcher!
- Ave and "auntie" came to the baptism
- my bike kinda got wrecked this week (flat tire, pedal broke, my helmet clip fell off). Each time we came home, there was something new with it. It was so funny!!
- stopped at Nielson's frozen custard after new missionary training ðŸĪĪ 10/10 recommend (especially when missionaries get 50% off)
- we got a text from one of our friends after our lesson saying that he got us a gift but forgot to give it to us! So the next time we were in his apartment complex, we stopped by and he gave us these 2 flowers and bracelets. It was so nice!! But then, after talking to him for a second, we started riding off and all of a sudden he goes, "wait! Sister Coon, I have to tell you something." Then proceeds to tell me how he really likes me and asked me on a date (which was the 2nd time I got asked out by someone this week). "And Sister Welch, you're really great too. I appreciate your company. You're a great friend." Haha love life! And don't worry, I politely declined:)
- the cutest little note
- our friend, Addy and her adopted sister, Jordan, at the baptism
- Matthew and Ariel's baptism, August 5, 2022. They've been taught by missionaries for 2 years so it was a really happy day! Ariel couldn't stop smiling and it was the cutest thing
- i love my super star missionary, Sister Welch