Tuesday, August 23, 2022

People are Amazing!

Hello! Hello! Hello!

Welcome back to the rundown with Sister Coon. Hope everyone's week was great!! This coming week is the last week of the transfer and I can't believe it!! This transfer has been so good and has gone by so fast! Sister Welch and I are working hard and having fun while we're at it. The only way to live life;) But I hope everyone is doing good!

Here's 2 incredible stories from this week:

☆ AVE! SO PROUD OF THIS GIRL! This week she was in Washington visiting her family (who are not very good influences) and it was hard but she was not moved. There was one night when all of the cousins were together hanging out drinking. One of them turned to her and offered her some alcohol and said "don't worry, I won't tell anyone. God can forgive you later." And she simply said nah I'm good. 

SHE'S AMAZING! "I wasn't even tempted. I know that I want better for my life." Her testimony is so strong and I'm just so grateful for her example. Can't wait for her baptism this weekend!!

☆ ROGER!! He's really gained his testimony of the Gospel of Jesus Christ (not just an obsession with me😬
One night, Satan was really giving Roger a hard time about his baptism. He was putting a lot of doubts in his mind and he didn't know if he should keep meeting with us. So Roger decided to pray (so proud!). He began writing on a piece of paper all his thoughts; how he didn't want to disappoint Sister Coon (haha) or God and that he wants to become a better man. As soon as he wrote down "become a better man" the song, "Better Man" came on the radio. Immediately Roger stopped and was blown away. That was his sign! And he decided right then that he was going to "erase Satan from his mind." HOW COOL IS THAT?!

The next day we met with him and he was telling us this whole experience. He said, "this stuff is real. I know it!" and everyone in the room got chills.

This stuff is real.

The gospel changes lives. God placed Roger in our path 8 weeks ago when Roger was at the lowest of lows. He said he was scared for his life and didn't have anything to look forward to. Since that day, the light of Christ has grown SO much in him and he has found true joy. Now, Roger is working on getting a job, he's free from addictions, he's got his drivers license back, and everything is looking up. It's incredible to see how the Atonement of Jesus Christ can really change people's lives. Incredible!

I hope you know God is aware of you and he loves you so much. He has a plan for you! Keep trusting in Him!

Okay love you all so much!!!! Ave, Roger, and Addy's baptisms are all this Saturday so please pray that everything runs smoothly. It's going to be a good week! Talk to you all next Monday!

xoxo sister coon 

- zoom with Ave and auntie while Ave's out of town
- mutual night with the young women planting tomato seeds
- Tropical Breeze Relief Society are a party!
- being "seminary teachers" for the Relief Society's back to school activity
- the Seui's restocking our pantry part 2
- "grandma Nancy" came to church!
- weekly planning! (Sister Welch's favorite day)
- everyone pullin up to District Council with Sister Welch's family owned fruit snacks;)
- we sang in church!

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