Tuesday, August 16, 2022

Short One This Week!

Hi friends!! Life is still good and I love being a missionary!!! 

One of the many highlights from the week: We were able to set our friend, Stephanie, on date for baptism so that's so exciting! We followed up with praying about a date and immediately she said, September 24th. It was so cool. Keep her in your prayers!

Love you all!!!

Sister Coon


- I saw Tahera from my old area! She said she's been praying to be able to see me again and God made it happen! #miracles

- Lauquaua (someone we had one phone call with last transfer and set her on date but then had to refer to the West mission). She wanted to meet me so she came to our ward!! It was so fun to actually see her in person and hear all about her baptism
- "future missionary"
- zone conference!!!
- after LOTS of trials with the auto shop, WE FINALLY HAVE OUR CAR BACK!! Now we can actually visit our Samoan ward since they've been a little neglected these last 3 weeks

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