Tuesday, January 24, 2023

Some Bad News... COVID

Hello everyone!! I hope this week was a great one for you! It's been a second since I've given an update on a few of the friends we're teaching and the miracles we've seen so here you go! 

☆ Jamaal and his 3 kids are supposed to be baptized not this Saturday, but the next! The kids are still SO excited but we're a little nervous for Jamaal because we don't know if he has a solid testimony yet. So please keep them in your prayers! We want them to be able to be sealed in the temple and be together forever!

☆ Rayell has been praying about Joseph Smith and the Book of Mormon and now KNOWS that it is true. She said she received three witnesses that Joseph Smith is a prophet, one from a dream, through an ad, and from her favorite tv show. So that was so cool!! Her and her family LOVE church and want to be baptized! They're still praying about a date but they're doing great! I love them so much and am so grateful to be apart of their amazing journey!

☆ we got a media referral this week from a lady named Kandice! We called and texted her throughout the week but only got one response. So on Saturday, we drove down a dirt road to her ranch. It was so cool because as soon as she saw us, she already knew who we were and was excited that we were there. After talking for a bit, she told us that her and her daughter want to be baptized!!!! INCREDIBLE! So she is currently praying about a baptism day. We're so excited for her! The Lord is hastening His work REAL quick and there are so many people being prepared to receive the gospel. Please pray for her and her daughter, Rose!

☆ lastly, I found out today that I have covid. RIPPPP. I just feel like I have a little cold so it's not bad. But we do have to quarantine for 5 days :( so wish us luck!!!!!

That's all for now! I love you all! This work is AMAZING! I'm so grateful everyday to be a missionary and serving our wonderful God. HE IS GOOD! and I know He loves you!!! Have a good one! Talk to you later:))


Sister Coon


- finishing up exchanges with the Kingman sisters ♡
- new missionary training! SO windy!
- waiting for interviews with President Rodarte (love him!!!)
- got our smoothies ;)
- comp study outside
- throwing away someone's garbage in the pouring rain (Sister Hildebrandt almost threw up because it smelled so bad)
- exchanges with Sister Thomsen!!!

Zone Conference Agenda Idea

Elderes y Hermana,

This is what we've got to send to President and Sister Rodarte, let us know what you think and if there need to be any changes!

Hey President and Sister Rodarte!

Here are the ideas we came up with for Zone Conference to best help our stewardship.

We came up with 3 main ideas, multiple role plays focused on using the Book of Mormon, a Preach My Gospel Chapter 5 training, and a discussion on conversion sharing our own personal experiences.

The way we were thinking this would be formatted is:

Doctrinal Discussion: Lead by President and Sister Rodarte

Training on PMG Chapter 5: Lead by President and Sister Rodarte
- Role Play using the Book of Mormon to Find Someone, lead by Sister Mudrow
- Role Play using the Book of Mormon to invite someone to be Baptized, lead by Elder Graham

Training on Member Work (PMG Pg. 166 - Ideas for Helping Members): Lead by President and Sister Rodarte
- Role Play using the Book of Mormon to help members and invite them to participate in Missionary Work.

Zone Breakout
- Discussion on conversion with a focus on sharing our own personal experiences with conversion and the Book of Mormon. Then, encouraging everyone to go out and share it with others.
- Making goals and plans for every area to baptize! We will counsel together and review January and set goals and plans for February.

We believe that these things will be the most effective in helping the missionaries in our Zones become more converted to the Lord and will put a much greater emphasis on the Book of Mormon being the KEY to conversion.

Elder Lybbert, Elder Radford, Elder Hardman, Elder Marshall, and Sister Coon

Monday, January 16, 2023

I FELT the Atonement of Christ

Hello friends and family!! I'm back again writing another weekly and I can't believe it! It's so crazy how time works on the mission because I feel like I was just here a few days ago but also like it's been weeks haha. This week I hit my year mark since I've been on a mission! Can you believe that?! One whole year of doing the BEST work in the world! I've loved my mission and all the wonderful people and experiences I've had. It's all too good to be true! The joy we can experience from the gospel is real and it is eternal!! So so grateful for that.

☆ I had the coolest experience with the Atonement of Jesus Christ this week and wow. Oh my goodness. I know I feel it everyday but especially this week it just hit different.

It was definitely a harder week, SO GOOD but hard. Every single person we talked to, until Sunday night when we found 2 amazing people (!!), said that they weren't interested, many of our lessons cancelled, and I was just feeling a little stressed with some other missionary stuff. But don't worry! We weren't discouraged!!! God's got a plan and we saw many miracles!!!

But Wednesday morning, I came to my personal study feeling a little overwhelmed. I started reading Alma 37 and came to verse 46:

"O my son, do not let us be slothful because of the easiness of the way; for so was it with our fathers; for so was it prepared for them, that if they would look they might live; even so it is with us. The way is prepared, and if we will look we may live forever."

I thought about that phrase for a minute "easiness of the way." Living the gospel really isn't that easy. We should read the scriptures everyday, pray, go to church and the temple, keep the commandments, etc. It takes effort and work! So what does Alma mean when he says it's easy? I read the footnote Matthew 11:30 "For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light."

THAT'S what it means!!! Living the gospel doesn't mean you get a free pass from trials. Life is hard but with Christ, we can do all things. He is our strength. And then it all connected. I could give this weight I was feeling all to Christ and He will take it for me. As soon as I connected that, this burden that I was feeling was totally lifted off my shoulders. I experienced the Atonement of Christ right then and it was AMAZING! 

I'm so grateful for my Savior and for the opportunity I had to apply that into my life. 

That's all I have time to write about today, sorry! There were so many great experiences that happened this week but I really wanted to share that one. I know the Atonement is for everyone and if you're feeling a little stressed too, just give it all to God! He will take care of it.

Love you all! Have a wonderful week!!

xoxo sister coon

- Kaylon got baptized! As soon as he came out of the water, he raised his hands high in the air and cheered! It was the cutest thing ever
- exchanges with Sister Long
- smoothies
- Kaylon passed his baptismal interview!
- comp study in the truck bed
- baptism on his birthday!
- bathroom break hehe

Tuesday, January 10, 2023

New Leadership Assignment

Jan 20, 2023

Dear Family of Sister Coon,


It is an honor to serve with your wonderful daughter in the Nevada Las Vegas Mission. I am pleased to inform you that she has been assigned to be a Sister Training Leader Trainer of a new missionary. This is a trusted position in a mission and comes to those who have demonstrated obedience and devotion. As a role model, she will provide leadership to other missionaries in her assigned areas.


Sister Coon is a sincere and dedicated missionary, truly worthy in every aspect to be the Savior's representative. I extend my appreciation to you for raising such a faithful daughter and sharing her with us.


May you and your family experience the sweet spirit and wonderful blessings that our Heavenly Father reserves for those who are called and set apart to serve Him and the Savior in His vineyard.

With all my love and gratitude,


Frank C Rodarte Jr


Nevada Las Vegas Mission

Trio Life

Hello everyone!! Running short on time again today, sorry! But it was a WONDERFUL week!!! My new companions are amazing and I just love both of them so much.

☆ We had our first lesson with this boy named, Kaylon, whose mom was baptized a month ago. At the end of the lesson we invited him to be baptized and he said YES! So we pulled up a calendar, had him look at it for a second, and then said, "Okay, lets say a prayer right now and ask Heavenly Father when he wants you to be baptized." After teaching him how to pray, Kaylon goes, "Dear Heavenly Father, I want to be baptized on the 16th. In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen." His mom and I looked at each other in the middle of the prayer, shocked. And then shrugged like, "alright!" Haha it was crazy!!! So cool! I love Kaylon and am so excited! He will be baptized this Sunday so please keep him in your prayers!

☆ 6 friends came to church and it was so busy and so good!!

☆ Sunday, we set a goal of finding 4 people. That night we went out and the first door we knocked on was a family of 4 who wanted to learn more about the gospel! MIRACLES! And now we are going over for a dinner and a lesson Wednesday night. God is good :)

SO many more miracles this week and I wish I could share them all. I know God hears prayers and has a plan for each one of our lives.

Love you all!

Sister Coon


- My new companions, Sister Hildebrandt and Sister Bartholomew! I love them!!!!

- driving to the mission office with Sister Foster, MY BESTIE, and a member gave us $100!! So nice!
- our new friends Seth and Mckenzie! They're awesome and we invited them to pray about baptism!
- sporting our teenage boy truck
- knocking a few doors in an assisted living place
- teaching Kaylon about how the gospel (which we used a stuffed animal to represent haha) has been restored
- dinner with the Luer's
- the night Kaylon said yes to baptism!!!
- our first picture as a trio! Welcome to the field Sister Hildebrandt!
- aftermath of sprout ball on pday

Just saying HI

Hi sweet Annie!

How’s Vegas? Just wanted to say hi and tell you I’m so proud of you and everything you are doing on your mission. You’re one of my favorite people, and I look up to you a lot! I hope you’re doing well! It’s crazy to think you’ve almost been out a year! When you get home, I’ll come visit you! Love you!❤️

Jenna Powers
January 2, 2023

Wednesday, January 4, 2023

Happy New Year!!

Hello everyone!

I don't have too much time today but I wanted to wish you all a HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! Wow, this year has FLOWN by! I am so grateful for 2022. WHAT A YEAR OF GROWTH!! I know that this gospel is true. Without a shadow of a doubt, God is real and He is so loving, Christ is my brother and my strength, and The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints is the Lord's kingdom on the earth. I have grown a lot this past year and am so grateful for it. I have loved my mission and the wonderful people I've been blessed to meet! I am so grateful for this gospel and so grateful for this season of my life to grow closer to my Father in Heaven. God is good ♡

A few updates from this crazy week!

☆ transfers are tomorrow!!!
Unfortunately, the dynamic duo is getting split apart:( Sister Mudrow is going to Kingman and I am going to miss her so much! But she's going to keep doing great things. Grateful for our 6 weeks we had together!

I am trio training!! I am SO excited for it! Sister Bartholomew is going to be my new companion and this is her last transfer. So in missionary terms, I am killing a missionary and birthing one haha. AND I am going to be a single STL! woah. This will be a crazy transfer but I know it is so meant to be. It's going to be good!!!

☆ we had a lesson with Rayell and her family this week and Rayell had read from the title page of the Book of Mormon all the way to 1 Nephi 3. It made our hearts so happy!! As she was telling us about her reading, she pointed to her Book of Mormon and said, "Not going to lie, I really love this book!!" UGH us too, Rayell!! Tonight they are feeding us a Nigerian dinner and we are planning on inviting them to be baptized! It's so exciting! I love them with my whole heart and just want them to experience the blessings of the gospel to it's fullest. Keep them in your prayers please♡

☆ Lastly, Ruby from my first area got baptized and Jasmine from my last area got baptized!! YAY!

I love you all! Have the most wonderful week!


Sister Coon


- District Council
- early new years celebration!
- Mission Leadership Council
- exchanges with Sister Foster and Sister Thomsen! I LOVE THEM WITH MY WHOLE SOUL!!!